Energy efficiency is a huge theme for most home and building owners, with several major components all playing a role in a given home or commercial building’s efficiency. One such factor that should be closely considered: The garage door, which is the single largest opening and closing entry point in nearly all homes or buildings – and therefore has a big impact on temperature control and resulting HVAC efficiency.
At Crawford Door Sales, we’re happy to provide numerous services that help our Utah clients utilize their garage door toward great energy efficiency. From garage door repairs and maintenance themes up to brand new garage door installations using materials ideal for temperature control, plus several areas in between, we’ll ensure your garage door is holding in air and limiting the strain on your HVAC components year-round. This two-part blog series will go over a number of themes we may discuss with you or implement within your garage door system to maximize energy efficiency.
New Door
Over the course of this series, we’ll go over several distinct themes that play a role in garage door energy efficiency. In many cases, however, especially if multiple of these themes are lacking at once due to damage or long-term wear-and-tear on your existing door, the best answer for improving efficiency is straightforward: Getting a new door.
Now, there are plenty of situations where a simple upgrade or repair might solve the efficiency concerns you were having. In many others, though, such repairs will either be so costly that they make no sense – or the damage will be so significant that it’s simply cheaper to go with a brand-new door that will already have many of the qualities we’re about to discuss. In any case of garage door damage, our team will recommend the most cost-effective route for you to take.
Our next several sections will discuss more distinct themes to consider.
Likely the single most effective method when it comes to holding in air and increasing energy efficiency within the garage space is insulating the garage door and other surrounding areas. You should choose insulation with a high R-value, meaning it protects from air drafts and other forms of temperature loss very well. Not only should the garage door itself be insulated, but so should garage walls and even the garage ceiling – this will stop air in the garage from seeping into other parts of the home.
Sealing Themes
In addition, you should consider sealing in several areas:
- Gaps: If there are any air gaps in garage doors, windows or related areas, seal these with caulk or sealant.
- Garage floor: Sealing the floor with epoxy stops temperature from leaking into the ground under your property.
- Home door: The door from your garage into your home should also be sealed, generally using quality weather stripping or a draft stopper. You can also caulk or seal small openings.
For more on any of these themes, or for assistance with any of them from our team located throughout Utah, speak to the staff at Crawford Door Sales today.
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