In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some basic factors to evaluate if you’re choosing between replacing an entire garage door versus simply replacing one or more of its panels. These are both viable options for garage door damage, and which you select will depend on several variables, from the extent of the damage to many others.
At Crawford Door Sales, we’re happy to assist clients not only with determining the answer to this question, but also with either of these services as-needed. We offer a wide variety of garage door repair services to go along with our numerous new garage door materials and equipment, and we’re here to help with both simple repairs and larger replacement jobs. Here are a few of the other factors you should be considering while choosing between panel and full door replacement.
Replacements Available
Particularly if your garage door is a less common material, color or style, you should check to confirm that replacement panels remain available for your door while considering your options here. For instance, if you happen to have a much older garage door that’s lasted through the years, it’s possible panels for that exact door are no longer being manufactured – in which case, of course, panel replacement won’t be an option unless you’re willing to sacrifice some major aesthetic quality.
In cases where you’ve determined you need an all new door, however, this isn’t as big a concern. There are always new garage door options available in several different materials and styles, including sleek options with modern features that are ideal for all your needs.
Blending and Matching
If you’re considering individual panel replacement, one area to think about is blending in with other panels. Not only does this require ensuring panels are available in your color, as we went over above, it also involves confirming the state of your other panels on the door. Over time, these panels may have worn down in color or faded somewhat – this can make matching them a bit tougher, and might lead to a clash in colors. You do have the option of repainting the door in this case, but the costs here will often compare to those of simply replacing the entire door to begin with.
Importance of Working With Quality Pros
No matter which way you’re leaning here, it’s vital to work with quality garage door professionals. Our team will work with you to assess the damage or wear-and-tear on your current panels, plus determine whether panel replacement or full-on door replacement is the most cost-effective option – and then we’ll assist you with either of these services as-needed, ensuring you don’t run into any safety risks or practical hazards while attempting a DIY job that should be left to experts.
For more on how to choose between panel and door replacement for your garage door, or to learn about any of our garage door operators or other services, speak to the staff at Crawford Door Sales today.
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