Your business environment should be a place where those employed by your company and visitors to your business feel safe at all times.  However, we know from watching the news and other reports from various media that the unexpected happens every day.

Installing a high quality fire door on your work premises is a smart business decision. Your employee and customer lives could be at stake unexpectedly, and having a functioning fire door could make all the difference in whether everyone gets out of your building in a timely manner or not.

Another important reason to install a top-of-the-line fire door is it could very well keep the fire from spreading more than it would otherwise which would be a real help in getting the fire under control faster when the fire department arrives.

If a fire breaks out in a specific area of your work building, your fire door can withstand heat and resist fire to not only save lives, but also to prevent smoke from seeping through, to minimize the possibility that a breakdown of a regular door will be needed, and to preserve valuable company resources.

For these and other reasons, a fire door should be a high priority expense for your company. There are several styles of fire doors on the market that are extremely innovative and modern-looking. Coiling overhead fire doors are available in service door configurations, as well as counter door configurations.

Fire door activation can be accomplished by a variety of different triggers, fusible links, building alarm systems, smoke detectors, etc. One of our reps at Crawford Doors will be glad to help you figure out what will work best for your company’s building.

Give us a call and let’s set up an appointment to discuss your company’s various fire door needs. It’s important because the choices you make can ultimately save innocent lives. We look forward to working with you to make a safer business environment for your company.

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