IMG_0723Many older garage doors aren’t effective at providing a good seal. They do an adequate job of blocking rain water or melted snow from getting in, but they weren’t designed specifically for preventing air leakage. With many people heating garages today, blocking air from leaking through and around the garage door is more important than ever.

Newer garage door technology has addressed this situation.

A “solid core” steel garage door is a great choice for your garage when you’re looking for a door with a high insulation value. This door does a nice job keeping the warm air inside the garage during the winter, and the cool air from escaping during Utah’s scorching summers.

A solid core steel door has steel skins on the front and back of the door featuring a polyurethane foam center. The increased insulation from this type of door is helpful when you use the garage to work on projects, or your garage is located underneath a living area.

Even if you seldom heat your garage for whatever reason, it’s still important to have a garage door that seals well. Most attached garages have two walls common with the living area of the house. An efficient garage door like the solid core design will moderate the garage temperature swings, and reduce heat loss (during winter) as well as heat gain (during summer) to the house through these walls.

Another feature of these doors is how rigid they are due to the solid core design. They can also handle high winds which is important in our area of the country as many parts of Utah can encounter seriously high winds at any time of the year.

One other thing to consider when replacing your garage door is whether or not your children will be using the garage. If so, it would be wise to select a garage door with pinch-resistant panels. The edges (joints) of the panels are designed such that there is never an open gap which can pinch fingers as the door closes. If children try to touch the gaps, the motion of the edge pushes their fingers out as it closes. These designs also seal well.

Solid core steel doors are offered in the raised panel configurations including a variety of factory finished colors. Because of their energy conservation, comfort, and other advantages, these doors are certainly worth considering for your home.


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