Benefits of Preventative Maintenance
Reduce the likelihood of needing time consuming repairs.
We at Crawford Door Sales can perform repairs in a timely manner, but nothing is more convenient than not needing any repairs at all. Preventative maintenance is the most time efficient way to keep your garage doors running smoothly, as you eliminate the need to set aside time for a larger repair later.
Reduce down time for needed repairs.
Of course, sometimes emergencies happen and your garage door might need a repair—despite undergoing preventative maintenance. In this case, you can still typically enjoy reduced down time for a repair because your garage door has already been seeing regular service.
Save on repair expenses.
Minor problems can also become larger, more expensive problems if you aren’t careful. Preventative maintenance, then, helps you save money in the long run, as you won’t have to put as much money toward larger garage door repairs.
Maximize workflow.
Fewer garage door repairs, of course, means being able to maximize work hours at your company.
Prevent workplace injuries.
When left without regular servicing, a commercial garage door can break and injure an employee right on the spot, before there is time to have the garage door repaired. Regular preventative maintenance reduces the likelihood of injuries, ultimately saving you money on potential disability costs.
Preventative Maintenance with Crawford
In addition to our emergency and timely repair services, we can also perform preventative maintenance on your garage doors to keep things running smoothly. Here are a couple examples of preventative maintenance.
Rolling door protector installation
High loads, poor visibility, and carelessness can all cause rolling doors to incur costly damage, rendering them inoperable or unsafe. Installing a rolling door protector can help prevent your rolling door from forklift impacts.
Heavy duty bottom bar installation
Commercial doors also see frequent damage due to accidental forklift impact at the base. Installing a heavy duty bottom bar at the base of a commercial door can create a barrier that absorbs bottom bar impacts from forklifts, further protecting your door from surface damage.
You can learn more about these preventative maintenance measures here.
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