In part one of this two-part blog, we went over some of the common uses of gate access systems across the country. These systems are valuable for home and business owners alike, plus across a wide swath of more specific industries and applications.
At Crawford Door Sales, we’ve helped numerous different clients with our variety of gate access products and systems. What are some of the primary reasons why these systems are so widely-used? Let’s go over some of the main benefits of security and privacy gates, both for homes and businesses.
Curb Appeal and Property Value
Whether you’re a home or business owner, if you’re thinking about selling anytime in the near future, curb appeal is something you have to think a lot about. This term refers to the visual first impression that one gets when visiting the property initially – it can have an outsized impact on the value of the property, and it’s a huge buzzword in the real estate industry. And simply put, there are few better draws for curb appeal than a high-quality security gate.
On top of making the property look better, though, gate systems also increase the practical value of the property. They both appear and truly are safer than properties without gates, and they’re known to have a high ROI in terms of money spent versus property value gained.
Outdoor Safety and Privacy
Not only does a gate make your property more secure overall, which we’ll discuss in a moment, it raises the safety level for children, pets and anyone else in outdoor areas. These entities are less likely to wander away, and in the case of pets, they’re also less likely to be attacked by a stray or a larger animal that invades the property. Instead of constantly being worried about where your kids or pets are when they’re outside, the gate access system lets you rest a little easier.
Perhaps the single largest benefit for many, including most businesses, security is a major factor with gate access systems. Businesses with valuable physical or intellectual property on site use these gates as just one element in several layers of security, and homeowners can do the same by infusing this system in with their home alarm and intercom systems. These gates offer exponentially more security than something as simple as a locked door, keeping trespassers completely away from the building itself.
Finally, did you realize that installing a gate access system could actually lower your insurance premiums? Particularly for businesses, insurance companies view your property as much safer if it has a gated entrance – as such, they will view it as less of an insurance risk and may drop your premiums. If you’ve recently installed such a gate on any property, contact your insurance company to see if this is the case.
For more on the benefits of gate access systems, or to learn about any of our garage door products or services, speak to the pros at Crawford Door Sales today.
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